Create a joyful life from the ashes

Strategies for loss and deeper living
for executives & professionals


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When we work together, I combine a unique set of skills, experiences and practices to guide you in creating the deep, joyful and purposeful life you desire.

  • over 20 years experience in business and leadership including executive levels.
  • human resources experience woven throughout my career which guides my understanding of human behavior and how we function at work.
  • a Masters of Business Administration degree.
  • highly developed intuitive capabilities and the gift of being Divinely connected and guided.
  • personal experience journeying through loss and the practical ability to provide resources and practices discovered along my journey.
  • deep compassion and concern for your challenges and pain
  • high energy and great enthusiasm for your personal transformation

Tapping into all of these resources, I provide you with a personalized, compassionate and solution-based method so you can dream, design & achieve the next joyful stage of your life.


One-on-one coaching prioritizes the challenges that you identify as most important. I help mentor and guide you in shaping a new direction that integrates your new perspectives with your established capabilities.

I provide strategies and programs to help navigate the early stages of your loss and then work with you in building a new life infused with greater hope and meaning. This greater depth and vitality will allow you to live more purposefully and joyfully while increasing your impact.

Divorce, Financial or Business Loss

Group coaching sessions provide solutions to many of the same issues that individual sessions address.

Group coaching opportunities bring together a small number of individuals with similar challenges and provides support, solutions & networking through the active contributions of the participants.

Expanding & Deepening Your Living

Executive Renewal Program

You give your full impact at work and lead from a place of strength, intellect and effectiveness. But you may not have the impact you once had and are feeling less confident. You’re not less capable than you once were nor are you falling behind. But you may have temporarily lost track of what grounds you.

I offer structured executive renewal programs that help you step back and reconnect with your greater guidance and wisdom.

This program is a personally-designed and highly effective long-term solution that renews your foundation, broadens your perspective and leads to greater leadership impact.

Through a holistic system of new practices, skills, methods & knowledge, you will feel more grounded and centered in your decision making, enabling the greatest work you are capable of.

Various options can serve your particular needs. Let’s have a conversation to identify your objectives and unique circumstances for a tailored program that is most effective for you.

" No problem can be solved by the same consciousness that created it. "

Albert Einstein
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