Create a joyful life from the ashes

Strategies for loss and deeper living
for executives & professionals


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Hi, I’m Shari O’Loughlin, and I appreciate you reading about my work.

I am a life and business coach, organizational consultant, speaker, and author. Working with companies and individuals, my specialty area is managing loss, transition, and change. I help executives and professionals navigate the transition and identify new connections and possibilities to transform the loss. I have learned that we can find new beauty, transformation, and profound meaning from our most traumatic experiences.

My Story

After carefully building a beautiful and fulfilling professional and family life, I experienced a series of major losses one on top of another. Before I was able to come up for air, the greatest loss to come shocked and stunned me. My 14-year-old son was killed in an airplane crash on the way home from a four-day vacation. A parent’s worst nightmare came true, and I was suddenly living a new life that “only happens to someone else.” The life I had carefully chosen and constructed vanished in an instant without my consent, control, or any warning – along with my plans, hopes, and dreams.

I had already known profound bereavement, business loss, financial devastation, home loss, and soon-to-be divorce. But the darkest journey that I could ever imagine began the day that I was given a new life without one of my children.

How I can help?

I’ve been there, and I care. I have transformed and newly created my life after many profound losses. I believe we can often live more meaningful lives after significant loss whether bereavement, financial or job loss, divorce, corporate transition, or health crisis. Over time we see things through a different lens and choose our precious moments more consciously. Learning to find what’s on the other side of loss and tragedy can help us lead the lives we truly desire in a deeply meaningful and joyful way.

Would you like to:

• Learn skills, tools, and practices to navigate the darkest early days of loss or transition?
• Teach others how to best support you through your loss and grief?
• Learn to see your new self after loss or change as richer and fuller rather than broken and diminished?
• Learn how to feel your loved one is still with you and experience signs of hope and comfort?
• Learn to hear your inner guidance and actualize a greater purpose after loss or change?

Whether championing a company or an individual, I bring a combination of practical expertise, concrete solutions, deep compassion, wisdom and intuition to our work. My goal is to help you dream, design, and consciously create your new powerful and joyful life after loss.

My life now

My recent book, “Life from the Ashes; Finding Signs of Hope After the Loss of Your Child,” shares my story and the unexpected path of hope and new light I found after loss. I am blessed to have two beautiful daughters, and we work hard to live life to the fullest. After my son was killed, I sought a new path of service helping others navigate their dark journeys of loss to find hope again, healing, and deeper meaning.

My Professional Background

I have a masters of business administration degree and 25 years of management and executive experience helping corporations, new businesses, and nonprofits grow. A certified life and business coach, I am currently President of Shari O’Loughlin Coaching & Consulting LLC. I started my business following my previous position as Chief Operating Officer of a technology company, which is the company I was with when I lost my son. I earned my MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and my BA from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. My coaching certification is through Coach Training Alliance in Denver, CO.

" A wound is the place where light enters you. "

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